A Simple Two Hole Tile Cuff Bracelet – 2015

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

This stunning Czech Two Hole Tile and SuperDuo bracelet looks complex but is very simple to make and so much fun to wear! This is one of our favorite new DIY bracelet projects and we hope it will be yours too!


What You Need

Fireline (we used 6lb)

Czech Two Hole Tiles

Czech SuperDuo beads

Seed beads size #11 or larger

Your choice of clasp (we used a tube bar clasp)

Two beading needles

What You Do


1. Start your project by threading Fireline through one hole of a Two Hole Tile and then through the second  hole in the opposite direction. Both ends of your beading thread will be coming out of the same side of the tile.


2. Thread the Fireline back through the first hole, making each end come out on opposite sides of the tile.

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

3. Add another tile by threading each end of the Fireline thread through the first hole in opposite directions and then back through the second hole.

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

4. Pull the line so the tiles lie next to one another, but leave it loose enough so the bracelet isn’t too stiff.

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

6. Continue adding the two hole tiles until you’ve reached desired length of your bracelet. This will depend on the circumference of your wrist so it’s not a hard and fast rule, however most bracelets are between 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 inches. Keep in mind the clasp you have chosen is included in this length measurement and adjust your beaded portion accordingly.

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

8. Make a second row of two hole tiles in the same manner that is the same length as the first.

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

9. Connect the two rows of tiles with SuperDuos and Seed Beads. You can make your bracelet as wide as you like. Here we used four SuperDuos and eight seed beads for each Two Hole Tile.

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

10. Finish the outside of the bracelet with decorative picots.

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

11. Attach your choice of clasp and voila! You are finished with your bracelet! Now show it off and enjoy!

czech two hole tiles super duo bracelet beaded diy

17 Comments Add yours

  1. Dessa says:

    I came across this pattern, made it, love it. It doesn’t show every detail, but it wasn’t hard to figure it out. I made mine with {5} SD in the middle.

    1. Hi Dessa, we are so glad you liked it and put your own twist on the design. We are so curious how it looks. If you have a minute send us a picture. If you allow we’ll put it in a gallery. Don’t forget to visit our facebook page for a Swarovski Rivolis giveaway.

  2. I like recived the email. Excelente word

  3. Lisa Myers says:

    I don’t know how many beads to buy for this project because it doesn’t tell.The directions are incomplete to me.Is it possible to send the details?

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Please check the other people comments.

  4. lynn sharkey says:

    The bracelet is beautiful. What colors did you use for the tiles and superduos

    1. Hi Lynn,
      We used -green opaque luster in both beads.
      We ran out of the green opaque luster in superduo.
      Please check our website at the end of February.

  5. Pat Jardine says:

    Thankyou for the instructions for this bracelet. I love working with two hole beads.

  6. Deb H. says:

    Can these be made for resale (small quantity) or only for personal use? I love this design and it looks like it would feel smooth against the skin.

    1. Hi Deb, no restrictions. Go ahead and do whatever you wish with it. Check our site frequently. There will be more free tutorials coming your way.

  7. Elaine says:

    Thank you for the tutorial. Could you please tell us the amount of beads we will need to use? Thanks!


    1. The amount varies because everyone’s wrist is not the same size. To give you an idea: the bracelet we made was 6 inches long without the clasp. We used 44 two hole tiles (22 on each side), 3 Super Duos per row (3×22) and 8 size 11 seed beads per row (8×22) – one tube will be enough. If you want to increase the width of your bracelet you can use 4 Super Duos per row (4×22) and then you will need 10 seed beads per row (10×22).


  8. Carol Harlow Moss says:

    Very cute indeed, but the “innards” are missing! And maybe make the directions more printer friendly? Thanks

    1. Hi Carol! We’re working on printed instructions that will be on our website http://www.eurekacrystalbeads.com. As for the “innards,” you just alternate seed beads with Super Duos until your bracelet is done.

  9. joliflot says:

    Merci beaucoup pour les explications de cette belle manchette

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